Current Traffic and road conditions on US-171 in Louisiana
Accidents & Incident Alerts
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Traffic Related Events
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Road Construction on US-171 All
All Lanes Affected
Road Construction on US-171 All Directions near LA-1212. All Lanes Affected.
Starting 9/20/2024 7:00 AM
September 17, 2024 **UPDATE** Roundabout: US 171 at Boone St Route US 171 S.P.
H.011909 Vernon Parish The Louisiana Department of Transportation and
Development (DOTD) announces that, weather permitting, a new phase of work will
begin on the US 171 roundabout at Boone St. on Friday, September 20th, 2024 at
7:00 am. Two-way traffic will be permitted along Boone Street, and the one-way
detour roads on Boone St. will be closed. The U-turn on south bound US 171,
1,500 feet south of the LA 1211 intersection, will be open. The median left turn
lane on north bound US 171 at Stanton Road will be open. All other current lane
closures will remain closed during this phase of construction. This phase of
construction will allow for the completion of the remaining class II base
course, lime treatment, concrete paving, drainage, instillation of driveways,
and related work. This phase of the project will continue for approximately
three (3) months. Permit/Detour section Beginning Friday, September 20th, 2024,
Boone St. will be converted into a temporary signalized T-intersection at US
171. Two lane traffic will be permitted on Boone St. One-way detour roads on
Boone St. will be closed. US 171 southbound traffic will continue to be diverted
to the northbound lanes beginning approximately 800 feet south of Franklin St.
Beginning near Stanton St., US 171 northbound traffic will continue to be
reduced to one through lane and a dedicated left turn lane for the WalMart drive
and surrounding businesses. The roadway will remain open to local and through
traffic with no restrictions for passenger vehicles and a 10’ wide lane width
restriction for all oversize vehicles. May 28, 2024 **UPDATE** Roundabout: US
171 at Boone St Route US 171 S.P. H.011909 Vernon Parish The Louisiana
Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) announces that, weather
permitting, beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 US 171 will be reduced to one-lane in
each direction beginning approximately 800 feet sStart Date: Sep 20, 12:00PM
ID: 298

Paving Operations on US-171 South
1 Right lane closed
Paving Operations on US-171 Southbound from Bedsole Ln to Bedsole Ln. 1 Right
lane closed. Starting 10/7/2024 7:00 AM
The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development advises motorists
that beginning on Monday, October 7, 2024 at 7:00 a.m., the outside (right) lane
of US 171 southbound south of the City of Mansfield in DeSoto Parish will be
closed. This closure is scheduled to remain in place for approximately 21 days,
and is necessary to allow a contractor for the DeSoto Parish Police Jury to
conduct improvements at CSJ Private Drive. The lane closure will be located just
south of Bedsole Lane, about a mile south of the City of Mansfield.
Restrictions/Permits: N/A Alternate Route: N/A This work will be performed
WEATHER PERMITTING. Safety reminder: DOTD appreciates your patience and reminds
you to please drive with caution through the construction site and be on the
lookout for work crews and their equipment. Remember to leave plenty of room
between you and the vehicle in front of you. Area residents should exercise
caution when driving, walking, or biking near an active construction zone.Start Date: Oct 7, 12:00PM
ID: 92

Road Marking Operations on US-171 West
Lanes Alternating
Road Marking Operations on US-171 Westbound from Lemon St to LA 27. Lanes
Alternating. Starting 11/18/2024 12:00 AM
Calcasieu, Beauregard and Jefferson Davis Parishes – The Louisiana Department of
Transportation and Development announces that striping work will begin at the
following locations, starting Monday, November 18, 2024. LA 108 from Interstate
10 to US 90 US 171 from Lemon St. to LA 27 LA 97 at North Cutting Ave. to Bayou
Nezpique Bridge The striping work is anticipated to continue through early to
mid-December, weather permitting. Motorists should anticipate lane closures and
delays throughout the duration of the work. Safety reminder: DOTD appreciates
your patience and reminds you to please drive with caution through the
construction site and be on the lookout for work crews and their equipment. Area
residents should exercise caution when driving, walking, or biking near an
active construction zone.Start Date: Nov 18, 6:00AM
ID: 100

Paving Operations on US-171 South
1 Right lane closed
Paving Operations on US-171 Southbound from Fitzenreiter Rd to Hagan St. 1 Right
lane closed. Starting 11/18/2024 8:00 AM
UPDATE: Calcasieu Parish – The Louisiana Department of Transportation and
Development announces the right lane of US 171 Southbound from Fitzenreiter Road
to Hagan Street (Milepost 2.6 to Milepost 2.3) will be closed at 8 a.m. Monday,
November 18, 2024. The closure is necessary for crews to perform milling work.
Safety reminder: DOTD appreciates your patience and reminds you to please drive
with caution through the construction site and be on the lookout for work crews
and their equipment. Area residents should exercise caution when driving,
walking, or biking near an active construction zone. UPDATE: The work scheduled
for November 13, 2024, has been postponed and will be rescheduled for next week.
Calcasieu Parish – The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development
announces the right lane of US 171 Southbound from Fitzenreiter Road to Hagan
Street (Milepost 2.6 to Milepost 2.3) will be closed on Wednesday, November 13,
2024. The closure is necessary for crews to perform milling work. Safety
reminder: DOTD appreciates your patience and reminds you to please drive with
caution through the construction site and be on the lookout for work crews and
their equipment. Area residents should exercise caution when driving, walking,
or biking near an active construction zone. Additional information: Call 511,
visit, or download the Louisiana 511 mobile app for additional
information. Out-of-state travelers may call 1-888-ROAD-511 (1-888-762-3511).
Motorists may also monitor the LA DOTD website at, by selecting
MyDOTD, or by visiting the DOTD Facebook and Twitter pages.Start Date: Nov 18, 2:00PM
ID: 71

Road Construction on US-171 Both
All Lanes Affected
Road Construction on US-171 Both Directions from Beltz Rd to Express Blvd. All
Lanes Affected. Width Restriction: 10ft Starting 1/14/2025 7:00 AM
The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) announces
that, weather permitting, beginning Tuesday, January 14th, 2025 at 7:00 AM, all
US 171 traffic will be switched to the newly constructed roundabout lanes for
the next phase of the project. This next phase of the project will include
construction of the remaining half of the roundabout (the northbound lanes), a
northbound right turn lane to Red Town Rd, and intersection improvements to Red
Town Rd. The contractor will divert US 171 traffic to the new southbound lanes,
implement a new configuration for the temporary signal at Boone St, and begin
construction of the eastern portion of the new roundabout. This phase of the
project is expected to be completed in four (4) months. Permit/Detour section
The roadway will remain open to local and through traffic with no restrictions
for passenger vehicles and a 10’ wide lane width restriction for all oversize
vehicles. Beginning Tuesday, January 14, 2025, US 171 southbound traffic will be
reduced to one through lane beginning approximately 700 feet south of Franklin
St. Southbound traffic will utilize the existing outside southbound of US 171 to
access the newly constructed portion of the roundabout at Boone St. Southbound
traffic will return to two lanes near the Walmart driveway. Beginning Tuesday,
January 14, 2025, near Stanton St, US 171 northbound traffic will be reduced to
one through lane and diverted across the existing median just north of the
Walmart driveway onto the newly constructed southbound lanes. This single lane
of northbound traffic will return back to the two lanes of northbound travel
approximately 1,000’ north of Boone St. Northbound traffic will still have
access to enter the Walmart driveway via the dedicated left turn lane and this
intersection will remain signalized for the Traffic will have full access to
Boone St in all directions utilizing the temporary signalized intersection.
Vernon ParishStart Date: Jan 14, 1:00PM
ID: 294
US-171 Major Junctions (17)
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