Current Traffic and road conditions on I-20 in Louisiana

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Road Construction on I-20 Both

All Lanes Intermittent
Road Construction on I-20 Both Directions near LA-531 MM (51). All Lanes Intermittently Closed. Starting 5/26/2023 8:00 AM
Date Posted: 5/25/2023 9:50:20 AM INTERMITTENT LANE CLOSURES: I-20 at LA 531 interchange, Webster Parish The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development advises motorists to expect intermittent lane closures on I-20 eastbound and westbound as the project to replace the LA 531 overpass near Minden in Webster Parish progresses. These lane closures are anticipated to last for approximately the next six months, as the contractor works to mobilize equipment and begin construction work on the new bridge. Some travel delays may occur, though DOTD works to reduce the inconvenience to the traveling public as much as possible while still allowing work to move forward on the project. The existing bridge will remain open to traffic while construction on the new structure is underway. To read more about the project, click here. Restrictions/Permits: N/A Alternate Route: N/A This work will be performed WEATHER PERMITTING.
Start Date: May 26, 1:00PM
ID: 254


Road Construction on I-20 Both

All Lanes Affected
Road Construction on I-20 Both Directions from Hamilton Rd MM (20) to I-220 MM (26). All Lanes Affected. Width Restriction: 11ft Additional Restrictions: No Oversized Loads Starting 9/18/2023 12:00 AM
I-20 East and West from Hamilton Road (Mile Marker 20) to I-220 (Bossier/Mile Marker 26) is reduced to one lane with 11 ft. width restrictions. No oversized loads are permitted. In an effort to enhance safety and help ensure effective traffic flow, commercial vehicles such as 18-wheelers are prohibited from driving through the I-20 reconstruction zone in Bossier City, effective Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. Previous messaging since the start of the project has strongly urged commercial traffic to utilize the primary detour of I-220, but this change will mean that vehicles not adhering to the detour may be issued a citation under Louisiana Revised Statute 32:237. The current traffic configuration includes several narrow bridges that have proven difficult for large commercial vehicles to navigate, resulting in incidents that impact traffic for long periods of time. Digital message boards are placed ahead of each I-220 interchange in Shreveport and Bossier City, as well as at the on- and off-ramps at the interchanges within the reconstruction zone directing those trucks not to enter I-20. This change is also aimed at ensuring major reconstruction work continues to make significant progress, as incidents involving 18-wheelers can impact this work due to the nature of the clean-up and removal process. ALL drivers should be aware of changing traffic conditions that an occur at any time, particularly in a construction area. Be sure to remove all distractions, leave plenty of room between you and the vehicle in front of you, and adhere to posted speed limits.
Start Date: Sep 18, 5:00AM
ID: 277


Rest Area Closed on I-20 West

Rest Area Closed on I-20 Westbound near Mound Rest Area MM (185). Starting 4/19/2024 10:41 AM
Due to construction, the Mound rest area will be closed nightly from 6:00 pm – 6:00 am until further notice.
Start Date: Apr 19, 3:41PM
ID: 79


Road Maintenance Operations on I-20 Both

All Lanes Intermittent
Road Maintenance Operations on I-20 Both Directions from Pines Rd MM (11) to Monkhouse Dr MM (13). All Lanes Intermittent. Starting 6/3/2024 6:00 AM
The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development advises motorists that beginning on Monday, June 3, 2024, intermittent nighttime lane closures will going into place on I-20 eastbound and westbound in Shreveport, Caddo Parish. These lane closures are necessary to allow the contractor for the I-20 rehabilitation project to begin numerous concrete pavement repairs to areas located outside the current major reconstruction zone. Lane closures will take place from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. on weekdays, and 9:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. on weekends. At least one lane of traffic will be maintained at all times. The first area to be addressed will be between Pines Road and Monkhouse Drive, with this phase anticipated to last approximately two months, weather permitting. Additional information will be issued as the contractor progresses to future sections. Work includes repairing damaged sections of roadway down to the base, as well as pouring new concrete panels in order to improve the driving surface and travel experience. Click here to read more about the project, and access additional resources and information. Restrictions/Permits: N/A Alternate Route: N/A This work will be performed WEATHER PERMITTING. Safety reminder: DOTD appreciates your patience and reminds you to please drive with caution through the construction site and be on the lookout for work crews and their equipment. Area residents should exercise caution when driving, walking, or biking near an active construction zone. Additional information: Call 511, visit, or download the Louisiana 511 mobile app for additional information. Out-of-state travelers may call 1-888-ROAD-511 (1-888-762-3511). Motorists may also monitor the LA DOTD website at, by selecting MyDOTD, or by visiting the DOTD Facebook and Twitter pages.
Start Date: Jun 3, 11:00AM
ID: 33


Road Maintenance Operations on I-20 West

All Lanes Affected
Road Maintenance Operations on I-20 Westbound from Lincoln Ouachita Parish Line MM (99) to Bienville Lincoln Parish Line MM (83). All Lanes Affected. Starting 6/17/2024 12:00 AM and Ending 3/6/2025 11:59 PM.
The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development advises motorists that beginning Monday, June 17, 2024 there will be intermittent shoulder closures during daylight hours along Interstate 20 East and West in Lincoln and Madison Parishes. The shoulder closures in Lincoln Parish will occur from Exit 83 Tarbutton Road to the Lincoln/Bienville Parish line. The shoulder closures in Madison Parish will occur from the Richland/Madison Parish line and continue to the west end of the Mississippi River Bridge. The shoulder closures are required to remove trees and vegetation from the I-20 median and right of way. This work will be weather permitting. The intermittent shoulder closures are anticipated to occur until March of 2025, weather permitting. All lanes of traffic will remain open during these shoulder closures. Permit/Detour Section Restrictions: There are no restrictions to traffic at this time. Detour: Formal detour routes are not required at this time. I-20 East and West will be open to all traffic. Safety Reminder LA DOTD and Trahan Construction appreciates your patience and reminds you to drive with caution through the construction site and to be on the lookout for work crews and their equipment. Area residents should exercise caution when driving, walking, or biking near an active construction zone.
Start Date: Jun 17, 5:00AM
End Date  : Mar 7, 5:59AM
ID: 125


Road Maintenance Operations on I-20 East

All Lanes Affected
Road Maintenance Operations on I-20 Eastbound from LA-544 MM (83) to Lincoln Ouachita Parish Line MM (99). All Lanes Affected. Starting 6/17/2024 12:00 AM and Ending 3/6/2025 11:59 PM.
The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development advises motorists that beginning Monday, June 17, 2024 there will be intermittent shoulder closures during daylight hours along Interstate 20 East and West in Lincoln and Madison Parishes. The shoulder closures in Lincoln Parish will occur from Exit 83 Tarbutton Road to the Lincoln/Bienville Parish line. The shoulder closures in Madison Parish will occur from the Richland/Madison Parish line and continue to the west end of the Mississippi River Bridge. The shoulder closures are required to remove trees and vegetation from the I-20 median and right of way. This work will be weather permitting. The intermittent shoulder closures are anticipated to occur until March of 2025, weather permitting. All lanes of traffic will remain open during these shoulder closures. Permit/Detour Section Restrictions: There are no restrictions to traffic at this time. Detour: Formal detour routes are not required at this time. I-20 East and West will be open to all traffic. Safety Reminder LA DOTD and Trahan Construction appreciates your patience and reminds you to drive with caution through the construction site and to be on the lookout for work crews and their equipment. Area residents should exercise caution when driving, walking, or biking near an active construction zone.
Start Date: Jun 17, 5:00AM
End Date  : Mar 7, 5:59AM
ID: 133

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I-20 Major Junctions (13)

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