Current Traffic and road conditions on US-80 in Louisiana
Accidents & Incident Alerts
No events of this type reported by DOTD.
Road Closures

Bridge Closure on US-80 Both
All lanes closed
Bridge Closure on US-80 Both Directions from John Cannon Dr to LA-583. All lanes
closed. Starting 7/18/2022 9:15 AM
UPDATE (10/1/2024): This bridge remains closed. ROAD CLOSURE: McLemore Road
bridge over Bee Bayou, Richland Parish Update (7/2024): This bridge remains
closed. Update (10/2023): This bridge remains closed. Update (1/2023): This
bridge remains closed. July 18, 2022 The Louisiana Department of Transportation
and Development advises motorists that the McLemore Road bridge over Bee Bayou
in Richland Parish is currently closed. This closure is necessary to allow the
contractor to complete the removal and replacement of the existing bridge
structure. Alternate route: Detour signage will be in place.
Restrictions/Permits: Total road closure. All vehicles must detour. This work
will be performed WEATHER PERMITTING. Safety reminder: DOTD appreciates your
patience and reminds you to please drive with caution through the construction
site and be on the lookout for work crews and their equipment. Area residents
should exercise caution when driving, walking, or biking near an active
construction zone.Start Date: Jul 18, 2:15PM
ID: 66
Traffic Related Events
No events of this type reported by DOTD.

Bridge Construction on US-80 Both
All Lanes Affected
Bridge Construction on US-80 Both Directions near Turnyall Osbourne Rd. All
Lanes Affected. Starting 3/25/2024 12:34 PM and Ending 8/31/2026 11:59 PM.
UPDATE 10/1/2024 - US 80 remains as one lane of traffic controlled by a
temporary traffic signal. UPDATE 7/11/2024 - US 80 remains as one lane of
traffic controlled by a temporary traffic signal. (UPDATE 3/25/2024) - US 80
remains as one lane of traffic controlled by a temporary traffic signal. DOTD
advises motorists that the US 80 bridge in Madison Parish about 1.0 mile east of
Delhi has been REOPENED with one lane of traffic in each direction. Traffic flow
will be controlled by a temporary traffic signal. Interim repairs have been
complete, with a larger repair project scheduled at a later date. Effective
immediately, US 80 in Madison Parish will be closed at the Bayou Macon Bridge
1.0 mile east of the intersection of LA 17 and US 80 near Delhi, LA. This
closure is required due deterioration of bridge components over Bayou Macon.
This closure will remain in effect until the damages to the bridge can be fully
investigated and all necessary repairs are completed. DOTD reminds motorists to
NEVER drive around ‘road closed’ barricades at any time for any reason.
PERMIT/DETOUR The detour route will be LA 17, I-20, LA 577 and US 80. Safety
reminder: DOTD appreciates your patience and reminds you to please drive with
caution through the construction site and be on the lookout for work crews and
their equipment. Area residents should exercise caution when driving, walking,
or biking near an active construction zone. Additional information: Call 511,
visit, or download the Louisiana 511 mobile app for additional
information. Out-of-state travelers may call 1-888-ROAD-511 (1-888-762-3511).
Motorists may also monitor the LA DOTD website at, by selecting
MyDOTD, or by visiting the DOTD Facebook and Twitter pages.Start Date: Mar 25, 5:34PM
End Date : Sep 1, 4:59AM
ID: 243

Utilitywork on US-80 Both
Lane Alternating
Utility Work on US-80 Both Directions from Walker Rd to Lincoln Ouachita Parish
Line. Lane Alternating. Starting 4/15/2024 12:00 AM
The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development advises motorists
that beginning Monday, April 15, 2024, there will be ongoing construction along
US 80 in Lincoln Parish from Walker Road to the Ouachita Parish line. This
construction work involves tree trimming, asphalt patching, cross drain
replacement, and asphalt overlay. The traveling public can expect daily
alternating lane closures. Thru traffic will be maintained at all times. This
work will be performed WEATHER PERMITTING.Start Date: Apr 15, 5:00AM
ID: 150

Road Construction on US-80 Both
Lanes Alternating
Road Construction on US-80 Both Directions from Defreese Rd to Circle Dr. Lanes
Alternating. Starting 9/22/2024 10:00 AM
The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development advises motorists
that alternating nightly lane closures will begin on Sunday September 22, 2024
for US 80 (Cypress Street) from 670 feet West of LA 3249 (Well Road) to LA 617
(Thomas Road) in Ouachita Parish. These nightly lane closures are necessary to
allow for roadway construction. Lane closures will not be allowed during the
following hours: Monday – Thursday: 6:00 AM – 7:00PM Friday: 6:00 AM – 8:00PM
Saturday: 10:00AM – 6:00PM Sunday: 10:00AM – 7:00PM Alternate route: N/A
Restrictions/Permits: N/A This work will be performed WEATHER PERMITTING. Safety
reminder: DOTD appreciates your patience and reminds you to please drive with
caution through the construction site and be on the lookout for work crews and
their equipment. Area residents should exercise caution when driving, walking,
or biking near an active construction zone.Start Date: Sep 22, 3:00PM
ID: 283
US-80 Major Junctions (5)
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