Current Traffic and road conditions on I-220 in Louisiana

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I-220 Real-time Traffic Cameras

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Road Marking Operations on I-220 Both

Lanes Alternating
Road Marking Operations on I-220 Both Directions from I-20 Westbound MM (17) to I-20 Westbound MM (1). Lanes Alternating. Starting 9/8/2024 8:00 PM
DOTD announces project to replace striping & pavement markings on I-220 in Caddo & Bossier Parishes SHREVEPORT-BOSSIER – The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development announces a project to improve safety through the replacement of roadway striping and pavement markings on I-220 in Caddo and Bossier Parishes. The project is scheduled to begin on Sunday, September 8, 2024 with nighttime only intermittent lane closures since I-220 is the primary detour for the ongoing major construction project on I-20. Work includes the removal and replacement of all of the reflectorized raised pavement markers, pavement striping, and other related work on the mainline of the roadway (a little over 18 miles), as well as all of the on and off-ramps. Also included in the project is debris removal and cleaning of both the Red River Bridge and the Cross Lake Bridge. Motorists should be aware if traveling along I-220 at night once the project begins that crews will be conducting slow-moving operations to remove and install the markings. Lane closures are permitted to take place from 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. only, to minimize inconvenience and traffic disruption. The entire project is anticipated to wrap up in late 2024, weather permitting. Pavement markings are used to convey messages to roadway users. They indicate which part of the road to use, provide information about conditions ahead, and indicate where passing is allowed. Pavement markings provide continuous information to motorists related to roadway alignment, vehicle positioning, and other important driving-related tasks.
Start Date: Sep 9, 1:00AM
ID: 211

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I-220 Major Junctions (8)

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