Current Traffic and road conditions on I-55 in Louisiana

Traffic Cameras
I-55 Real-time Traffic Cameras
7 cameras on route
Accidents & Incident Alerts
No events of this type reported by DOTD.
Road Closures
No events of this type reported by DOTD.
Traffic Related Events
No events of this type reported by DOTD.

Bridgemaintenanceoperations on I-55 South Upcoming
Lanes Alternating
Bridge Maintenance Operations on I-55 Southbound from milemarker 32 to
milemarker 31. Lanes Alternating. Width Restriction: 12ft Starting 2/13/2025
8:00 PM and Ending 2/14/2025 6:00 AM.
I-55 Northbound and Southbound Ramp and Lane closures are scheduled as follows
near the US 190 (Exit 31) and Railroad overpasses while crews perform bridge
maintenance operations, weather permitting: LANE CLOSURES (NIGHTLY): Thursday
(2/6/25): 8PM - 6AM: I-55 Southbound Right Lane closure between Mile Marker 31
and 32 Permit Information: Oversize loads are restricted to 12 feet in width.
Emergency vehicles will have access. Motorists may encounter a slight delay
during this time. Detour Information: The following routes may be used to avoid
the lane closures: Motorist traveling I-55 South may take LA 3234 (Exit 32) east
to US 51, then south to US 190, then west to re-intersect I-55. Motorists
traveling I-55 NB may take US 190 (Exit 31) east to US 51, then north to LA
3234, then west to re-intersect I-55.Start Date: Feb 14, 2:00AM (3 days)
End Date : Feb 14, 12:00PM
ID: 26125
Message Signs
I-55 Major Junctions (5)
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