Highway SR-99 Traffic & Road Conditions in California
As of Thursday 10:01PM, there is 1 CHP incidents happening now, details and live traffic maps below. Access 137 live traffic cameras, details on CalTran's 15 active lane closures, road conditions, and more.
Traffic Collisions & Alerts on SR-99
What accidents happened on SR-99 today?
Tap to see every CHP accident reported today on SR-99
What happened on SR-99 yesterday?
Tap to see all CHP accidents reported Wednesday for SR-99
* NOTE: CHP incident text may be been modified from its original to improve readability, as a result some errors may have been introduced. Data provided by CHP. Official CHP Incidents.
Why is SR-99 closed?
Real-Time Updates on SR-99 CalTrans lane closures
Summary of current and upcoming CalTrans lane closures and construction work on SR-99 in California.
: There are 15 CalTrans closures this evening six of these are full closures, primarily affecting areas near Elk Grove, Kingsburg, Avenue 184 Over-Crossing, Calaveras River Over-Crossing, and Madera.
Upcoming Closures:
2 Closures: Two closures are planned for tomorrow morning, primarily affecting areas near North Lodi Over-Crossing, and Lodi.
No lane closures are currently scheduled along SR-99 during the daytime tomorrow.
No lane closures are currently scheduled along SR-99 during tomorrow evening's commute.
9 Closures: Nine closures are planned late this evening and/or overnight, two of these are full closures, primarily affecting areas near Elk Grove, Sacramento, Palm Avenue Over-Crossing, California Avenue Under-Crossing, and Fresno.
Next 3 Days:
11 Closures: Over the next three days, 11 closures are planned six of these are full closures, primarily affecting areas near NB on from 20th St, Chico, Elk Grove, Sacramento, and North Lodi Over-Crossing.
Detailed List of Lane ClosuresCalTrans Road Conditions SR-99
SR-99 Major Junctions (13)
CalTrans Message Signs for SR-99 (4) - See All
Real-time highway message signs with travel times, travel, wind, fog and chain controls alerts and accident conditions.