Image of SR-86 road sign Highway SR-86 Traffic & Road Conditions in California

As of Thursday 9:12PM, there is 1 CHP incidents happening now, details and live traffic maps below. , lane closures, road conditions, and more.

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Traffic Collisions & Alerts on SR-86


Road/Weather Conditions SR-86 in El Centro

strong winds visibility is good traffic advisory for hp vehicles

  • Strong Winds Visibility Is Good Traffic Advisory For Hp Vehicles

What accidents happened on SR-86 today?

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Tap to see all CHP accidents reported Wednesday for SR-86
* NOTE: CHP incident text may be been modified from its original to improve readability, as a result some errors may have been introduced. Data provided by CHP. Official CHP Incidents.

Why is SR-86 closed?

Real-Time Updates on SR-86 CalTrans lane closures
Summary of current and upcoming CalTrans lane closures and construction work on SR-86 in California.
: CalTrans data reports no active lane closures along SR-86 scheduled. If you're stuck in traffic check our traffic collision info or look for problems in the opposite direction of travel (aka rubber necking).

Upcoming Closures:

No lane closures are currently scheduled along SR-86 during tomorrow morning's commute.
No lane closures are currently scheduled along SR-86 during the daytime tomorrow.
No lane closures are currently scheduled along SR-86 during tomorrow evening's commute.
No lane closures are currently scheduled along SR-86 during the late evening/overnight hours.
Next 3 Days:
2 Closures: Over the next three days, two closures are planned primarily affecting areas near Cruickshank Dr, and El Dorado Ave.
Detailed List of Lane Closures

CalTrans Road Conditions SR-86


In Southern California

No traffic restrictions are reported for this area.

CalTrans Message Signs for SR-86 (0) - See All

Real-time highway message signs with travel times, travel, wind, fog and chain controls alerts and accident conditions.

Top CHP Incidents Happening Now

SIG Alert
CHP logoI-210 East San Bernardino

SIG Alert I-210 East To at I-10 East Connector in San Bernardino

75-r1 Req Sig Alert Issued For 1 Hr For #1 Lane
Sig Alert Addlt 1 Hr
Entire Transition Road
I-210 sign
Happening Now
Map image of El Cajon near the CHP incident
CHP logoI-8 East San Diego

Traffic Collision on 0 I-8 East SR-125Con with Ambulance En route in El Cajon

Open Line Can Hear 2 Females In Vehicle
Map image of El Cajon near the CHP incident
I-8 sign
Happening Now
CHP logoI-805 North San Diego

Traffic Collision on I-805 North at I-8So with Ambulance En route in San Diego

Solo Vehicle Crash
Silver Small Sedan Into Hills In Right Hand Shoulder On Its Roof
Merced Communication Center
I-805 sign
CHP logoI-15 North San Diego

Traffic Collision on I-15 North Miramar Rd North of hovpomerado with Ambulance En route in San Diego

White Tesla Spun Out And Hit The Varrier
White Model Y Tesla Solo Vehicle Crash
Hydroplaned And Hit Center Divider
I-15 sign
CHP logoI-10 West San Bernardino

Traffic Collision on I-10 West West of County Line Rd with Ambulance En route in San Bernardino

White Ford F150 Solo Vehicle Crash Hyrdoplanned In To Center Divider Wall Now On Right Shoulder
Tried To Inquire If Party Needs Tow Truck - Party Said He Doesnt Know That He Wants Med Aid To Be Sent
Cdf Southbound Requesting Eta -- Put Me On Hold Disconnect Due To 911s
I-10 sign
Happening Now
Map image of East LA near the CHP incident
CHP logoSR-60 West Los Angeles

SIG Alert SR-60 West at Atlantic Blvd Off-ramp in East LA

Sig Alert For 30mins - Southbound Atlantic To Westbound 60
Map image of East LA near the CHP incident
SR-60 sign
Happening Now
Map image of West Valley near the CHP incident
CHP logoUS-101 North Los Angeles

Traffic Collision on US-101 North at CAMPO DE CAHUENGA WAY On-ramp with Ambulance En route in West Valley

2 Vehicle Crash Dark Sd In The Middle Lanes 2nd Vehicle On The Right Shoulder
Tan Honda Accord Vs Unknown Pickup Truck 1 Vehicle Facing Wrong Way In Center Divider
Older Model Dark Colored Sedan Vs Center Divide
US-101 sign
CHP logoI-10 West San Bernardino

Traffic Collision on I-10 West at Wabash Ave with Ambulance En route in San Bernardino

[chp]-problem Changed From Traffic Collision-unknown Injury To Traffic Collision Ambulance En Route By Chp
Open Line -- Vehicle Alarm In Background
Lat / Lon Putting Vehicle Off The Right Shoulder
I-10 sign
CHP logoI-5 North Orange County

Traffic Collision on I-5 North at CULVER DR Off-ramp with Ambulance En route in Santa Ana

White Pickup Truck Crashed Into Center Divider And Went Across Lanes
White Pickup Truck - Solo Spinout - Now On Right Shoulder
Blocking Offramp Lanes
I-5 sign
Map image of West LA near the CHP incident
CHP logoI-105 East Los Angeles

Roadway Flooding I-105 East at Prairie Ave Off-ramp in West LA

Chp Unit 79-60 - - Notify Caltrans Of Flooding Blocking #2-3 Lane
Party Advises Slow Lane Flooded -
I-105 sign
CHP logoI-210 East San Bernardino

Roadway Flooding I-210 East To at I-10 East Connector in San Bernardino

Party Advises Trans Rd Is Flooded - Possibly Clogged Storm
I-210 sign
Happening Now
CHP logoI-5 North San Diego

Traffic Collision on I-5 North at Via De La Valle with Unknown Injuries in San Diego

Unknown If Blocking
I-5 sign
Happening Now
CHP logoI-405 North Orange County

Traffic Collision on I-405 North at Seal Beach Blvd Sbb with Unknown Injuries in Westminster

Gray Honda Vs Unknown Vehicle On Right Shoulder
I-405 sign
CHP logoSR-57 North Los Angeles

Roadway Flooding SR-57 North at Temple Ave in Baldwin Park

Large Flood Affecting Right Shoulder And #4 Lane
SR-57 sign
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