Soledad/San Clemente Canyon Freeway SR-52 Traffic & Road Conditions
As of Thursday 8:55PM, there is 1 CHP incidents happening now, details and live traffic maps below. Access 7 live traffic cameras, lane closures, road conditions, and more.
CalTrans Traffic Cameras
Data provided by: Caltrans Report broken WebCams
Traffic Collisions & Alerts on SR-52
What accidents happened on SR-52 today?
Tap to see every CHP accident reported today on SR-52
What happened on SR-52 yesterday?
Tap to see all CHP accidents reported Wednesday for SR-52
* NOTE: CHP incident text may be been modified from its original to improve readability, as a result some errors may have been introduced. Data provided by CHP. Official CHP Incidents.
Why is SR-52 closed?
Real-Time Updates on SR-52 CalTrans lane closures
Summary of current and upcoming CalTrans lane closures and construction work on SR-52 in California.
: CalTrans data reports no active lane closures along SR-52 scheduled. If you're stuck in traffic check our traffic collision info or look for problems in the opposite direction of travel (aka rubber necking).
Upcoming Closures:
No lane closures are currently scheduled along SR-52 during tomorrow morning's commute.
No lane closures are currently scheduled along SR-52 during the daytime tomorrow.
No lane closures are currently scheduled along SR-52 during tomorrow evening's commute.
No lane closures are currently scheduled along SR-52 during the late evening/overnight hours.
Next 3 Days:
Over the next several days, no closures are currently scheduled.
Detailed List of Lane ClosuresCalTrans Road Conditions SR-52
CalTrans Message Signs for SR-52 (0) - See All
Real-time highway message signs with travel times, travel, wind, fog and chain controls alerts and accident conditions.