Image of SR-2 road sign Glendale Freeway SR-2 North Traffic & Road Conditions in California

As of Thursday 9:03PM, no reported CHP incidents. Access 2 live traffic cameras, details on CalTran's 2 active lane closures, current restricted road conditions, and more.
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Traffic Collisions & Alerts on SR-2 North

California Highway Patrol
As of there are no reported CHP Traffic incidents for SR-2 North.

What accidents happened on SR-2 today?

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Why is SR-2 North closed?

Real-Time Updates on SR-2 CalTrans lane closures
Summary of current and upcoming CalTrans lane closures and construction work on SR-2 in California.
: There are two CalTrans closures this evening one is a full closure, near Glendale Freeway/Route 2

Upcoming Closures:

No lane closures are currently scheduled along SR-2 North during tomorrow morning's commute.
2 Closures: Two closures are scheduled for mid-day tomorrow, both of which are full closures, primarily affecting areas near Holly Dr, and Eagle Rock Dr.
No lane closures are currently scheduled along SR-2 North during tomorrow evening's commute.
2 Closures: Two closures are planned late this evening and/or overnight, one is a full closure, near Glendale Freeway/Route 2
Next 3 Days:
9 Closures: Over the next three days, nine closures are planned eight of these are full closures, primarily affecting areas near Glendale Freeway/Route 2, Holly Dr, Eagle Rock Dr, and San Fernando Rd.
Detailed List of Lane Closures

CalTrans Road Conditions SR-2

Detailed List of Road Conditions

In Southern California

Is closed from Islip Saddle to 5 mi west of Big Pines (Los Angeles Co) - Due to emergency repairs - Motorists are advised to use an alternate route
Is closed from 5 mi west of Big Pines to Big Pines (Los Angeles Co) - Due to emergency repairs - Motorists are advised to use an alternate route
Westbound traffic is reduced to 2 lanes from the Jct of I 405 to Bundy Dr in Los Angeles (Los Angeles Co) 24 hrs a day 7 days a week - Due to construction
All tractor-semi trailer combinations with 3 axles or greater are prohibited from the Jct of I 210 in La Canada-Flintridge to the Angeles Forest Highway (Los Angeles Co) - Alternate routes are available

Chain Control on SR-2 North

CalTrans Message Signs for SR-2 (0) - See All

Real-time highway message signs with travel times, travel, wind, fog and chain controls alerts and accident conditions.

Top CHP Incidents Happening Now

SIG Alert
CHP logoI-210 East San Bernardino

SIG Alert I-210 East To at I-10 East Connector in San Bernardino

75-r1 Req Sig Alert Issued For 1 Hr For #1 Lane
Sig Alert Addlt 1 Hr
Entire Transition Road
I-210 sign
CHP logoI-10 West San Bernardino

Traffic Collision on I-10 West at Wabash Ave with Ambulance En route in San Bernardino

[chp]-problem Changed From Traffic Collision-unknown Injury To Traffic Collision Ambulance En Route By Chp
Open Line -- Vehicle Alarm In Background
Lat / Lon Putting Vehicle Off The Right Shoulder
I-10 sign
CHP logoI-15 North San Diego

Traffic Collision on I-15 North Miramar Rd North of hovpomerado with Ambulance En route in San Diego

White Tesla Spun Out And Hit The Varrier
White Model Y Tesla Solo Vehicle Crash
Hydroplaned And Hit Center Divider
I-15 sign
CHP logoI-5 North Orange County

Traffic Collision on I-5 North at CULVER DR Off-ramp with Ambulance En route in Santa Ana

White Pickup Truck Crashed Into Center Divider And Went Across Lanes
White Pickup Truck - Solo Spinout - Now On Right Shoulder
Blocking Offramp Lanes
I-5 sign
CHP logoI-215 South San Diego

Traffic Collision on I-215 South at I-15No twi with Ambulance En route in Temecula

Red Sports Type Vehicle Facing Wrong Way In #1 Lane
Debris In Lanes
Murr Pd
I-215 sign
Map image of West LA near the CHP incident
CHP logoI-105 East Los Angeles

Roadway Flooding I-105 East at Prairie Ave Off-ramp in West LA

Chp Unit 79-60 - - Notify Caltrans Of Flooding Blocking #2-3 Lane
Party Advises Slow Lane Flooded -
Map image of West LA near the CHP incident
I-105 sign
CHP logoI-210 East San Bernardino

Roadway Flooding I-210 East To at I-10 East Connector in San Bernardino

Party Advises Trans Rd Is Flooded - Possibly Clogged Storm
I-210 sign
CHP logoI-15 South San Bernardino

Wrong Way Driver I-15 South at 6th St Rv Exit 100 in Riverside

Unknown Vehicle Northbound In Southbound
#1 Of The Toll Lane
Unknown Suv Northbound In Southbound Center Divide In Fast Truck
I-15 sign
CHP logoI-10 West San Bernardino

Traffic Collision on I-10 West West of County Line Rd with Ambulance En route in San Bernardino

White Ford F150 Solo Vehicle Crash Hyrdoplanned In To Center Divider Wall Now On Right Shoulder
Tried To Inquire If Party Needs Tow Truck - Party Said He Doesnt Know That He Wants Med Aid To Be Sent
Cdf Southbound Requesting Eta -- Put Me On Hold Disconnect Due To 911s
I-10 sign
Map image of Antelope Valley near the CHP incident
CHP logoSR-138 Los Angeles

Traffic Collision on SR-138 at Puzzle Canyon Rd with Ambulance En route in Antelope Valley

Solo Vehicle - Neg Blocking -- Went Off Roadway
Chp Unit C89-040 - C Req 1 Tow Truck
Chp Unit C89-001 - C Solo Occupant - Transp To Palmdale Reg For Cop --- Vehicle Approx 50ft Off The Roadway
SR-138 sign
CHP logoSR-60 East San Bernardino

Traffic Collision on SR-60 East at PIGEON PASS RD with Ambulance En route in Riverside

Silver Infi Suv Center Divider Facing Correct Way
Suspect Vehicle - White Semi
3 Mo Old Baby In Infi -- Trans Cdf Precaution
SR-60 sign
CHP logoSR-60 East San Bernardino

Traffic Collision on SR-60 East West of Van Buren Blvd Vb with Ambulance En route in Riverside

Gray Suv Was Stopped On Right Shoulder , Hit By Black Suv
Small Vehicle All Smashed Up On Right Hand Shoulder / Possibly Abandoned Vehicle
Black Jeep In Ditch Off Right Hand Shoulder
SR-60 sign
Happening Now
Map image of San Francisco near the CHP incident
Map image of San Francisco near the CHP incident
CHP logoI-280 Bay Area

Traffic Collision on Alemany Blvd E On-ramp at I-280 North with Unknown Injuries in San Francisco

2 Vehicles Involved Blocking Onramp
White Tsmr Model Y Vs Black Suv
Att To Determine If Injuries
I-280 sign
Happening Now
Map image of West LA near the CHP incident
CHP logoI-105 East Los Angeles

Traffic Collision on I-105 East at SR-1Onr with No Known Injuries in West LA

Blue Ford Exp Vs Silver Honda Sedan Neg Blocking On Right Shoulder
Map image of West LA near the CHP incident
I-105 sign
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