Image of SR-129 road sign Highway SR-129 West Traffic & Road Conditions in California

As of Tuesday 3:19AM, the data we monitor shows there are currently no reported incidents, lane closures or travel restrictions.

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Traffic Collisions & Alerts on SR-129 West

California Highway Patrol
As of there are no reported CHP Traffic incidents for SR-129 West.

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Why is SR-129 West closed?

Real-Time Updates on SR-129 CalTrans lane closures
Summary of current and upcoming CalTrans lane closures and construction work on SR-129 in California.
: CalTrans data reports no active lane closures along SR-129 West scheduled. If you're stuck in traffic check our traffic collision info or look for problems in the opposite direction of travel (aka rubber necking).

Upcoming Closures:

No lane closures are currently scheduled along SR-129 West during this morning's commute.
No lane closures are currently scheduled along SR-129 West during the daytime today.
No lane closures are currently scheduled along SR-129 West during this evening's commute.
No lane closures are currently scheduled along SR-129 West during the late evening/overnight hours.
Next 3 Days:
Over the next several days, no closures are currently scheduled.
Detailed List of Lane Closures

CalTrans Road Conditions SR-129


In Central California

No traffic restrictions are reported for this area.

CalTrans Message Signs for SR-129 (0) - See All

Real-time highway message signs with travel times, travel, wind, fog and chain controls alerts and accident conditions.

Top CHP Incidents Happening Now

CHP logoI-210 East San Bernardino

Traffic Collision on I-210 East at Campus Ave Off-ramp with Ambulance En route in Rancho Cucamonga

Vehicle Went Down Right Shoulder Embankment
Party Stopped With Involved --- Pulled To Right Shoulder And Swerved To Far And Went Off Right Shoulder
Involved Called Rp Who Is Their Uncle - Driving Black Infi On Right Shoulder
I-210 sign
Map image of San Diego near the CHP incident
CHP logoSR-163 South San Diego

Traffic Collision on SR-163 South at Laurel St Bridge el Prado with Ambulance En route in San Diego

10c ; Tow Truck
Right Hand Shoulder
Quailty Tow 619-460-2444 Eta 15
Map image of San Diego near the CHP incident
SR-163 sign
Map image of Oceanside near the CHP incident
CHP logoI-5 South San Diego

Traffic Collision on I-5 South at Viewpoint with Unknown Injuries in Oceanside

Cmpen Mp Is On Scene With Unknown Vehicle That Crash Into Unknown Pole
Pole Is Traffic Hazard In Road
I-5 sign
Happening Now
Map image of Gold Run near the CHP incident
CHP logoI-80 Truckee

Traffic Collision on 0 I-80 West with Ambulance En route in Gold Run

Open Line
Road Noise Herad
I-80 sign
Road Closure
Map image of Rancho Cucamonga near the CHP incident
Map image of Rancho Cucamonga near the CHP incident
CHP logoI-15 South San Bernardino

Closure of a Road I-15 South AT at I-210 in Rancho Cucamonga

[chp]-problem Changed From Assist With Construction To Closure Of A Road By Chp
Southbound I-15 From I-210 To Just South Of Foothill Blvd , #1 And 2 Lanes Closed
Westbound 210 To Southbound 15 Closed
I-15 sign
CHP logoI-10 West Los Angeles

Traffic Hazard I-10 West at Indian Hill Blvd Off-ramp in Baldwin Park

Black Toyota Suv All Blacked Out Vehicle In Hov Lane
I-10 sign
Road Closure
Map image of Newhall near the CHP incident
CHP logoSR-14 North Los Angeles

Closure of a Road SR-14 North at GOLDEN VALLEY RD in Newhall

82-d2 And 82-d65 Moving Closure Til Approx 0500 Hours
Moving Closure -- Northbound 14 From 5 To Golden Valley -- 4/5 Lanes Will Be Blocked
SR-14 sign
Road Closure
CHP logoSR-22 West Orange County

Closure of a Road SR-22 West To at SR-57 North Connector in Santa Ana

Westbound 22 Transferred To Northbound 57 Will Be Closed
SR-22 sign
Road Closure
Map image of South Lake near the CHP incident
CHP logoSR-89 Truckee

Closure of a Road SR-89 at SR-4 in South Lake

SR-4 At Ebbetts Pass
SR-89 At Monitor Pass
Map image of South Lake near the CHP incident
SR-89 sign
Map image of Altadena near the CHP incident
CHP logoI-210 East Los Angeles

Traffic Hazard I-210 East at N Hill Ave in Altadena

Dark Colored Sedan - Hazards On - Blocking Slow Lane
I-210 sign
Map image of King City near the CHP incident
CHP logoUS-101 North Monterey

Animal Hazard US-101 North at Alvarado Rd in King City

Deer Standing In The Middle Of The Roadway
US-101 sign
Road Closure
CHP logoChico

Closure of a Road 413 Southgate Ave in Chico

Baldwin Ave From Lincoln To Melvina
Bennett Rd From Levens Ave To End
Colusa Hwy To County Line
CHP logoI-8 West El Centro

Wind Advisory I-8 West at In Ko Pah Eo inkopah in El Centro

Reference To Chp Log #ec0058 High Wind Speed At Mtn Spring: 47.6 Mph Sust / 68.9 Mph Gusts
Ct650 Copies Log
Ct653 Copies Log -- He Will Turn On Pcms From In Ko Pah To Ocotillo
Caltrans Hq (mike) Notified
Caltrans State Route #2180514 For Wind Advisory
Ct653-7 1097/ 98 Winds Sign Activated
Ct653-7 Advise Activated Pcms W/ High Wind Ahead
I-8 sign
CHP logoSan Bernardino

Provide escort for Road Conditions ADELANTO TO SAN BERNARDINO in San Bernardino

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