Image of I-80 road sign Highway I-80 West Traffic & CHP Incidents - Tahoe City to Fairfield

As of Thursday 8:47PM, there is 1 CHP incidents happening now, details and live traffic maps below. Access 113 live traffic cameras, details on CalTran's 7 active lane closures, current restricted road conditions, and more.
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I-80 Real-time Traffic Cameras

113 cameras on route
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Traffic Collisions & Alerts on I-80 West

Assist with Construction I-80 West at MANUEL CAMPOS PKWY Off-ramp

  • No details available

What accidents happened on I-80 today?

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* NOTE: CHP incident text may be been modified from its original to improve readability, as a result some errors may have been introduced. Data provided by CHP. Official CHP Incidents.

Why is I-80 West closed?

Real-Time Updates on I-80 CalTrans lane closures
Summary of current and upcoming CalTrans lane closures and construction work on I-80 in California.
: There are seven CalTrans closures this evening four of these are full closures, primarily affecting areas near Drum Forebay, WB On-Ramp from Treasure Island, Norden, West Sacramento, and Enterprise Blvd.

Upcoming Closures:

2 Closures: Two closures are planned for tomorrow morning, one is a full closure, near Drum Forebay
No lane closures are currently scheduled along I-80 West during the daytime tomorrow.
No lane closures are currently scheduled along I-80 West during tomorrow evening's commute.
5 Closures: Five closures are planned late this evening and/or overnight, one is a full closure, primarily affecting areas near West Sacramento, Enterprise Blvd, Sacramento, Reed Ave, and Allison Dr.
Next 3 Days:
6 Closures: Over the next three days, six closures are planned one is a full closure, primarily affecting areas near Drum Forebay, Enterprise Blvd, Jct St Rte 65, and Rte 80.
Detailed List of Lane Closures

CalTrans Road Conditions I-80

Detailed List of Road Conditions

In San Francisco Bay - Solano Co

A high wind advisory is in effect at the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge in San Francisco (San Francisco,Alameda Co) - Travel is not recommended for campers, trailers, or permit loads

In Northern California & Sierra Nevada

Is closed to all tractor-semitrailer combinations from Applegate (Placer Co) to the Nevada State Line - Due to multiple spinouts
Chains are required on all vehicles except 4-wheel-drive vehicles with snow tires on all 4 wheels from Nyack (Placer Co) to the Nevada State Line
Please research chain control locations as Caltrans is currently working to update chain control descriptions for consistency with internet mapping, like Google Maps & Mapquest
All westbound trucks are required to stop at the brake check area 0.5 mi west of Nyack (Placer Co) - To reduced the risk of brake fires

Business 80 - Capital City Freeway

No traffic restrictions are reported for this area.

Chain Control on I-80 West

CalTrans Message Signs for I-80 (15) - See All

Real-time highway message signs with travel times, travel, wind, fog and chain controls alerts and accident conditions.
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